Florian Leonhard

Viola made by Florian Leonhard in 2016 in London. The instrument is played by Ivan Zecevic.

A modern English instrument, in all parts original, made by Florian Leonhard in London, 2016.

The model is based on the old Italian viola by Gaspar da Salo, Brescia, c1580. The back in one piece of maple cut on the slab with irregular ascending slightly from left to right, medium figure; the ribs of similar stock; the scroll of lighter curl; the table in two pieces of spruce with slightly irregular, medium to narrow grain, opening out toward the flanks; the varnish of an red-brown colour over a light brown ground.

Florian Leonhard

<p>Viola made by Florian Leonhard in 2016 in London. The instrument is played by Ivan Zecevic.</p>